Common complications during pregnancy: how to recognize and deal with them


Pregnancy is a wonderful journey that culminates in having a new baby, but this journey may not be without some obstacles and challenges, most notably complications that may affect the mother or fetus.

Common complications during pregnancy:

1. Morning sickness:

  • It is one of the most common symptoms, affecting between 50% and 80% of pregnant women.
  • It usually begins in the sixth week of pregnancy and peaks at the twelfth week.
  • It can be alleviated by eating a healthy diet, eating small, frequent meals, and avoiding nausea-causing foods.
  • Taking vitamin B6 or ginger may help relieve nausea symptoms.
  • In some severe cases, a pregnant woman may need medications to overcome nausea.

2. Constipation:

  • It affects between 20% and 30% of pregnant women.
  • It results from hormonal changes and increased pressure of the uterus on the intestines.
  • It can be overcome by drinking enough water, eating high-fiber foods, and exercising regularly.
  • Natural stool softeners, such as olive oil or date molasses, can also be used.

3. Back pain:

  • It affects between 50% and 80% of pregnant women.
  • They are caused by changes in the center of gravity and increased pressure of the uterus on the spine.
  • They can be alleviated by stretching, using warm compresses, and getting adequate back support.
  • Pain relievers, such as paracetamol, may also be used under a doctor's supervision.

4. Swollen feet and ankles:

  • It affects between 70% and 80% of pregnant women.
  • It results from fluid retention in the body.
  • It can be mitigated by elevating the feet while sitting, avoiding prolonged standing, and drinking enough water.
  • Compression stockings can also be used to relieve swelling.

5. Heartburn:

  • It affects between 30% and 50% of pregnant women.
  • They are caused by relaxation of the esophageal sphincter due to hormonal changes.
  • They can be mitigated by eating small, frequent meals, avoiding acidic foods, and sleeping on the left side.
  • Antacids, such as antihistamines, may also be used under a doctor's supervision.

6. Gestational diabetes:

  • It affects between 5% and 10% of pregnant women.
  • It can cause serious complications for the mother and fetus.
  • Can be diagnosed with a blood test, and can be treated



There is no doubt that the journey of pregnancy is a wonderful journey, but it may face some obstacles and challenges, most notably complications that may affect the mother or fetus.


This article is a general introduction to common complications during pregnancy, and does not replace the need to consult a specialist doctor who can provide appropriate advice and guidance for each individual case.

Additional tips:

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Drink enough water.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • See your doctor regularly during pregnancy.

We wish you a safe and easy pregnancy journey, and we look forward to hearing the news of your newborn!

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